Here’s Why Janella Salvador Deserves Her Star Status

Here’s Why Janella Salvador Deserves Her Star Status


Aside from her multi-hyphenate status in the industry, there is more to Janella than just her talents on screen

Over the course of Philippine show business history, actors are expected, by default, to do three things: act, sing, and dance. Sunday shows such as ASAP and All-Out Sundays are a testament to how versatility is essential to a sure star status in the industry. Truth be told, only a few successfully ace these three departments. And if we’re talking about a triple threat showbiz name, Janella Salvador easily tops the list.

Janella Salvador MEGA Entertainment

RELATED: Pride Lives On For Janella Salvador, Andrea Brillantes, Gabbi Garcia, and Michelle Dee

Since her official acting stint in 2012, the actress has proven that she is no one-hit wonder, nor an artist who settles for mediocrity. MEGA Entertainment looks back on her career, giving you a number of reasons to start or continue stanning a star that comes with a complete package.

Elevates and experiments

Part of being in show business is changing up your looks from time to time, but Janella does it for herself, too. Before switching back to her dark brown roots, she rocked a ginger bob fresh from her Valentina front blonde highlights. She has also tried getting bangs and a layered lob. When it comes to her makeup and outfits, she knows how to maintain a feminine edge to her style by varying accessories and lip colors, easily transforming and elevating her whole look.

Janella Salvador
Photo JANELLA SALVADOR via Instagram

Delivers a multidimensional performance

Last year, the actress successfully transitioned from her protagonist title when she took on the challenge of playing Valentina in Darna. But that was not the only time she proved that she could offer more character to her roles. Many audiences actually lauded her performance as Emma in The Killer Bride (2019) for presenting a different layer to what it means to avenge someone. Her acting execution over the years are a testament that she can approach different characters well, always giving her fans something that exceeds their expectations.

Stands firm on what she believes in

Whether it’s supporting animal rights or standing up for the LGBTQIA+ community, Janella knows how to use her influence for the greater good. In 2022, she made an appearance at one of the biggest gatherings for the candidate she’s supporting. At the beginning and end of Pride Month last June of this year, the 25-year old also showed her solidarity for the community through Twitter and Instagram.

Featured Image: JANELLA SALVADOR (via Instagram)

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