Actor and entrepreneur Gerald Anderson shares his secret on how you can achieve a healthy lifestyle living in the new norm.
It’s been almost a year that we’re stuck in the comforts of our own home. As the pandemic continues to compel us all to stay inside and work from home, it’s undeniable that the lines between our work and personal lives have slowly been blurred.
Because of this, stress takes over, which then kills our productivity, creativity, and even discourages us to pursue our passions. And for all fitness junkies, it’s safe to say that staying fit and healthy in the midst of what’s happening has truly been challenging—from gym outlets shutting down, basketball courts closed, to being bombarded with the workload.
In fact, Gerald Anderson—who regularly practices basketball and hits the gym to exercise—shares the same struggle. “I’m gonna be honest, simula pa lang ng pandemic nag stop taping muna. But mas nalungkot ako nung ‘di na pwede mag-basketball. It’s been so hard to look for a court. It’s a big adjustment because I need to be active still,” he admits.
The thing about when men start to stop being active, there’s this unspoken feeling for us that we suddenly feel frustrated and incredibly uncomfortable. So, upon looking closely, it seems that we’re forgetting what we all need at that point: stamina.

Stamina is crucial for all men because once it has affected our mood, it can also affect how we already go for the rest of the day. In fact, Gerald Anderson believes that every person needs to have the stamina to go through all the challenges, so it became a signal for him to start taking multivitamins such as Rogin-E to get all the necessary boost to bring him back to his A-Game once more.
So, when Gerald Anderson got lucky to be secluded in a bubble for an entire duration of shooting a teleserye, there was a basketball court for him to get back his active lifestyle. But the best thing about it is he didn’t struggle transitioning back to his fitness routine, because he says that he having the right boost for his stamina was a total lifesaver.
“Working out is a lifeline,” the actor claims. “I think every man should meet their physical potential, because I really believe that if you’re physically healthy, you’ll be mentally healthy, too. In doing so, we will be able to properly do our responsibilities.”
And in case you’re wondering how you could get back right on track or even if you’re just planning to start your fitness journey, Gerald Anderson has three tips for you to jumpstart it.
Just Do It
The key to getting ahead is getting started. The actor shares that regardlesss of how you want to start your active lifestyle—whether playing baskeball, working out in the gym, or even yoga—you just have to start.

“Kahit ano pa ‘yan, just start then sunod-sunod na ‘yan. Because as what I’ve mentioned a while ago, when you start feeling good and celebrate even your smallest victories, tuloy-tuloy na ‘yan. You just have to pick-up and continue with your momentum,” Gerald says.
Be Careful With Your Diet
“Be careful of what you consume,” Gerald Anderson warns all guys. Now while he doesn’t believe that one must really need to be very strict when it comes to diet, he only insists to take note of what you put in your body.
“Sometimes I also want milk tea, which is full of sugar, but it’s okay—I still drink it,” he admits. After all, the key to enjoying your diet is to not be so strict about it, there will be times that you also need to let loose. Hence, taking multivitamins such as Rogin-E has been his best pal to help him stay active and healthy.
Be Competitive With Yourself
You’ve probably heard of the adage, “you are your greatest enemy.” And in any person’s fitness journey, this speaks volumes. While comparing yourself with others might not do you good; comparing yourself with your old version might help.

“It’s always about those small victories,” Gerald Anderson reiterates. “You have to always try to be a better version of yourself. Improvement is the way to be successful wherever you plan on pursuing because it’s always gonna be there regardless of how good you are with that—you just get better every day.”