
Everything Your Sign Needs To Know About Ghost Month


Ghost Month is here and we got everything you need to know according to your zodiac sign!

August has come and that only means one thing—it’s Ghost Month! According to the Chinese lunar calendar, every year on the first day of the seventh lunar month, the gates of hell are wide open and ghosts are roaming in your midst until the gate is closed on the 30th day of the month. But fear not because we got you covered this month!

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Heads up, Aries! You have to be careful with decisions you make this month. You should be ready to face and confront challenges, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. Let time heal all your worries and don’t rush things. Rushing might only lead you to misunderstandings or miscommunications. Taking time to understand the situation will clear your mind and help you make the right decisions.
Aries personalities: Chance the Rapper and Lady GagaAries Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

For Taurus, it all boils down to your own actions and choices throughout the eclipse season. If you have been bad, this is probably the time for you to come clean, lest karma get the best of you early this month.
Taurus personalities: Dwayne Johnson and Mark Zuckerberg.Taurus Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle

Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

Get your planner and fancy pen—this is the time for you to get it together, Gemini! Be brave and take a big leap to be able to move forward and succeed. Trust yourself and do what you feel is right when stuck in negative situations. The key is to be bold and flexible for you to reach your targets this month!
Gemini personalities: Kanye WestGemini Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

This month is full of surprises for you, Cancer. You can never be sure about the future but the key is to trust the process. Don’t feel down or upset when you don’t get what you expect. This month is all about working hard and being smart. Stand your ground and believe in yourself but don’t forget to be emotionally present at all times. And finish everything that needs to be done!
Cancer personalities: Selena Gomez and Tom CruiseCancer Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle

Leo (July 23 to Aug 22)

A powerful Solar Eclipse is in your sign on the 11th. This means you will be more inspired to do the things that you are actually passionate about. But be ready for some major changes. Explore the things you like doing. And don’t forget to put your thoughts and ideas into work. Make it happen, fierce Leo!
Leo personalities: Barack Obama and Jennifer LopezLeo Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle

Virgo (Aug 23 to Sept 22)

It’s time to focus on your relationships, Virgo! The Moon will be in your relationship house on the 26th, and your ruling planet is in retrograde until the 18th. In between these events, you will be pushed to confront the truth about your relationship with others. Try to be honest and patient as you try to resolve the situation. Determine whether you need to keep fighting or simply let go. Don’t pressure yourself and everything around you to perfection.
Virgo personalities: Michael Jackson and Stephen KingVirgo Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle

Libra (Sept 23 to Oct 22)

Actions speak louder than words, Libra. Get involved as this could build your confidence back. Lessen the tasks given to you. The eclipse on the 11th should give you the lift that you need to get back on your feet.
Libra personalities: Eminem and Kim KardashianLibra Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle

Scorpio (Oct 23 to Nov 21)

It’s time to face your worries, Scorpio. Instead of running away from them, confront them but add a dash of fun while resolving it. You might be confronted by some anxieties that have long been laying around you but worry not because this won’t resolve any of your issues. Go on and enjoy life, Scorpio!
Scorpio personalities: Leonardo DiCaprio and Pablo PicassoScorpio Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle

Sagittarius (Nov 22 to Dec 21)

Sagittarius, this month is all about trusting the process. You won’t get your expected results right away. It takes time to process everything. If it’s about finding yourself, this requires adjustments. Don’t be bothered by the changes that are happening around you. Embrace it.
Sagittarius personalities: Taylor Swift and Brad PittSagittarius Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle

Capricorn (Dec 22 to Jan 19)

This month is all about focusing on yourself Capricorn. Don’t base your life on others people’s lives. Live it by your own standards and terms. Instead of worrying about what others think of you or how you think of others, start focusing on yourself and your goals in life. Take care of yourself and focus on nourishing it with positivity.
Capricorn personalities: Jim Carrey and Stephen HawkingCapricorn Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle

Aquarius (Jan 20 to Feb 18)

This month is all about choices for you, Aquarius. The solar eclipse is in your relationship house on the 11th and it might be intense. Make choices that will have a good impact on you and the people around you. You might change your mind and actions but be careful about choosing which one will give you a positive out come.
Aquarius personalities: Michael Jordan and Ophra WinfreyAquarius Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle

Pisces (Feb 19 to Mar 20)

The full moon is in your sign on the 26th and this might offer you opportunities to transform or it will be forced upon you. It’s time to change your perspective to turn your life around.You may not get to choose what life will offer you but you get to choose how you will respond to what life is giving you. Let go of the complaining and focus on your goals!
Pisces personalities: Justin Bieber and Albert EinsteinPisces Horoscope | August 2018 | Ghost Month | MEGAStyle