With only a week left before Halloween, we created a quick guide for you on how to celebrate Halloween the easiest way possible at home.
There are tons of Halloween parties scattered all over the metro, but if you’re not in the mood to celebrate with a big crowd, that’s totally okay. In any case, you can just celebrate Halloween in the comfort of your own home where you can still get to dress up as the character you’re most fond of—regardless if it’s very spooky, silly, or sultry. (And just in case you still don’t know how to get the perfect costume, you should probably check our reco on where you can definitely have it made.)
Now that we’ve set aside your problems on where to get your costume, we move forward on how you could party with your friends in a spooky manner yet still looking chic. We list down six ways you must accomplish to achieve a spectacular Halloween house party.
Set-up a Halloween-inspired Dinner

Whether you love celebrating Halloween or not, you can’t deny the fact that decorating and/or table setting is fun! There are several chic tableware like plates and cups that have a certain theme—especially for Halloween. Table dècors are also teeming furniture stores right now, so it won’t be so hard for you to spot nice ones. But just a tip, head-on to Dapitan Arcade, if you could, to snag quirky decorations for less.
Make an Apple Cider Sangria

We normally drink sangria during warm summer nights, but actually, this apple-based cocktail perfect for the holidays, too. It’s so easy to make, so any person can effortlessly make one. You just fill a pitcher with sliced fruit, then add apple cider, ginger beer, and white wine. Here’s a tip: the best time to use up a bottle of not-so-great wine is when creating a sangria. But, the best choice of white wine will still be a Sauvignon Blanc for a sweeter sangria.
Carve Pumpkins
Let’s admit it: Halloween isn’t complete without seeing any carved pumpkins. So, one of the great activities to do for a Halloween house party is to carve pumpkins. After carving your pumpkins for a limited time—finished or not— you get to vote who’s the most creative one. Then the loser gets a serious dare from the winner. The only caveat here is if you’re able to find one, especially in this market. Then otherwise, it’s time to get creative. Maybe a kalabasa, perhaps?
Binge-watch Horror Movies

It’s the scariest holiday of the year for hell’s sake, which also means it’s that time of the year we love scaring ourselves. We suggest you watch the classics first before you proceed to the newer horror movies that just came out. From the movies The Ring and Coming Soon to Netflix series The Haunting of Hill House and newly released movie Eli, these will surely scare the sh*t out of you.
Real Ghost Stories
Once you’re finished binge-watching, it’s the perfect time to get really scared. Why? Because horror films make your imagination go wild to the extent that any moment the ghost from the movie will come at you. So, as you’re sharing your own true encounters with a ghost or a mythical creature, we’re telling you, things will definitely start to get even scarier.
Prank Your Friend
Now that everyone’s afraid, it’s the perfect time to prank the most faint-hearted amongst your friends. The easiest way possible to achieve a great prank is using the bathroom mirror. Before your friend pops in the shower, use a bit of soap to write a creepy message on the mirror, such as “look behind you” or “I’m watching you.” Just make sure to retrace the text with a tissue, so that it’s not yet visible. Once the mirror is fogged, it would become clear. Just wait till you hear your friend scream loud.
All things considered, we hope you have a happy Halloween with all these tips, tricks, and yes, treats, too.