To celebrate Father’s day, we collect languages of love, letters from Dad, Baba, and Papa, where a light shines on a bond so endless yet often unspoken.
Related: What’s In The Bag For Father’s Day?
Wherever the paths of life will lead and eventually take us, there will come a point where we begin to understand the value of family, and the unique, irreplaceable bonds that keep it together as it was destined and permitted to be. It will not be perfect, of course, as we have come to realize with all its twists, turns, and tightropes that we all have had to hurdle over the years, but when it comes down to it, it will always be a special space that even for a while makes everything just right. Much of this we account to our parents, the valiant efforts and unspoken sacrifices the mothers and fathers have stacked up in order to give us a life they know is right by us.
Today, we tip our hats to the quiet forces in our lives, moulding us and making us brave enough to face the world, even when the time comes we have to let go of their hands and walk on our own. From playfully throwing us in the air to simulate flight or racing with us on training-wheeled bikes, our fathers truly are superheroes in their own right. On Father’s day, we not only celebrate their steadfast support and questionable dad jokes, but we remind ourselves that even when life gets in the way, a part of them will always be there, being that proverbial gust of wind that lifts us up whenever we lose momentum in motion.
Turning the tables around, however, we talked to several dads, true MEGA Men who are raising their tribe in the way they know best. Instead of asking their offspring to pay tribute to them, we asked the fathers to write letters for their children on Father’s day, to hopefully encapsulate this moment at such a unique turn of our collective history, and save it for posterity. This language of love is what we hope would become a fragment of the day that builds on to become something greater between them, and to remind everyone of their Daddy, Papa, Tatay, and even Dad figures that stood by them. Most importantly, this is a testament that the celebration isn’t only for today, because everyday should be Father’s day, as we will come to learn, fatherhood isn’t bound by time, space, or circumstance–it is a lifelong commitment and relationship that no one can take away from either one of all of us.
From us at MEGA Man, Happy Father’s Day, to all who have been, who are, and who will find themselves to be a father in their lifetime. Your oft unspoken love is what we toast to today, cheers
Hideo Muraoka

Dear Kenzo and Daniela,
I writing you both to say that I love you very much!
Daniela, my sweet girl, I’m very proud of you–you are becoming an incredible, creative, and kind human being. The world needs your gifts.
Kenzo my boy, become the best version you can be–a leader, a man [for others.]
For both of you, you have everything within you. Life is always challenging, but it is worth living at the fullest.You both are a blessing and I love you very much.
Live your life, be free, and know that I’m always here to encourage and support you both.

Will Hsu

Dear Lachlan,
My first son. My lucky Feb 29th Leap Day baby… From the moment you entered this world, you had my heart. I love you so much. As you continue to grow, know that your days will be mixed with both times of happiness and times of disappointment. Imparting a few of my life philosophies to you, which I hope will serve as a guide as you grow and mature.
1. Be Kind. Be kind to everyone. Be generous. Be generous to everyone and without bias. Respect your elders. Open doors for others, and always say “please” and “thank you”.
2. Communicate. Use your words and and don’t be afraid to express how you feel.
3. Be responsible. There will be others who will depend and rely on you as you get older. It’s important that you show up and make sure you’re always present, both physically and mentally.
4. Take Risks. Life is about making mistakes. Be open minded. Be adventurous and try new things. Have fun!
5. Be different. Be odd… Be quirky… Be you! To quote Pharrell, “The Same Is Lame.”
6. Root for the Boston Celtics. This one’s not up for debate…
7. Be Resilient. LIfe’s hard, which means you must work harder for what you want. Nothing comes for free. Keep at it and always display grit.
8. Dance always and often. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got the moves of Justin Timberlake or your Mama, let it out when you hear that beat.
9. Love. Love your family. Love your friends. Love your partner. Get your heart broken, then love again. Most importantly, love yourself.
10. Stay humble. The world is vast. Be a student of life and continue to grow no matter if you’re 7 months or 70 years old.
Know that I’m your biggest fan and will forever be there to support you no matter what. I love you so much and always will.
Noel Crisostomo and Roland Alzate
Dearest Argo and Alaia,
The world is suddenly magical because you exist.
The world is beautiful because you are in our lives.
You put smiles on our faces and you set us high.
Your sweet honest kisses sets our souls alight.
We are so overjoyed and proud to know that everyday we can love you, we can be with you, and we can experience you. Nothing else matters as long as we have you, you complete our world. Everyday we pray to God that you will always have smiles on your faces, love in your hearts, and joys in this world.
Thinking of you makes us happy and proud. Having you humbles us and lets us know that God is mighty and powerful. You being there makes us try and work harder to be the greatest dads. You being blessed upon us makes our hearts full.
We will with all our might, move mountains for you. We will make sure you have the best care. We will protect and love you. We will always make sure to be there, be wonderful and cool parents. Our joys and bliss will have no end.
We love you more than life itself.
Jun Sunga

Dear Isabella and David,
I am writing you today while there’s an on going pandemic. They say a crisis of this magnitude reveals a lot about ourselves. I’ve had so many revelations and reality checks all throughout this ordeal, but one thing is for sure, it all revolves around how I can make it work or how I can make it better for you both and mom. The reality is currently tough, but I’m grateful that we all have each other. You guys are my core. The stress of uncertainties are immediately wiped off with the sound of your laughters. I promise to never give up and continually learn how to be better for all of us. Thank you for inspiring me daily with your pureness and simplicity. Always be kind, compassionate and full of integrity. This is all I ask and this is what will make me proud of you the most. I’m really grateful to our Saviour, Jesus Christ, for blessing me to be your father. I love you so much. Thank you, my children.

Armand del Rosario

Dear Girls,
I want you to know that ever since I was a child I always knew I wanted to have children. As I hit puberty, I would always pray to be loved by women and 4 daughters later I get exactly what I prayed for and I could not be happier.
Over the years while watching you girls grow, I always ask myself, “what is it that I want for you girls?” The answer isn’t easy, because you are all intelligent and headstrong, and can truly do anything that you want. I feel all four of you can be self-sufficient and successful in your own ways, without having to depend on others. But even before that, I find myself daydreaming about life…opportunities that I have missed that may or may not be what you want, but if there’s a way for me to show you things I feel I missed out on, it may help you to make more informed decisions later on. One example is that I would have loved to have spent a year just traveling after college…going back packing through Europe or South America and getting to learn about all the different cultures and experience life in this manner. I’ve seen people over the years do this and they just seem so happy. At the same time, I want you girls to take this knowledge and apply it to whatever field you enter whether you set up your own company, work for someone else, or take over any business that I have for you. I just want you to find what makes you happy.
So more than anything, I pray for your happiness. I pray that you find the right partner in life. Someone that can make you happy and treat you properly. My dream is to walk you girls down the aisle, have a dance with each of you on your wedding night, and then enjoy grandchildren some day… NOT IN THE NEAR FUTURE though please!
Always remember, family is important and that we have to always be there to support and take care of each other. Life will not always be easy but for as long as you take care of each other it will make going through these ups and downs much easier.
Lastly, girls, I hope you all realize how much I love you. Mom and I will always try to raise you girls in the manner we feel is best to give you a well rounded and open minded upbringing. One day you will look as us and that perfection that you may have looked upon us will fade…just remember nobody is perfect, we are trying our best and we all have our faults but we will do everything in our power to steer you girls in the right direction.
Gabe Norwood

My sons,
What a joy it is to be your father!
To share three unique bonds with three unique lives, who turn to me for guidance, direction, and a good laugh.
Cassius, my eldest. A selfless leader, who embraces the role of kuya. Continue to stand strong in who you are and what you believe in. Excited for the great things that are in store for you.
Orion. The life of the party, who never shies away from the spotlight. Never let anyone steal your confidence. Continue to embrace the exceptional opportunity of being both a big and little brother.
Idris. Bunso, the baby of the bunch. Your energy is infectious. I look forward to post-quarantine life when you can fully enjoy exploring for bugs, being one with nature, and answering all those questions in your curious little two-year-old mind.My sons, I will always do my best to put you in situations to glorify God’s kingdom and support you to be successful on whatever path that is placed in front of you.
I love you all more than you know!

Have you let your main man know how much you love him already? Wish your dad a happy father’s day with anything, a call, an inside joke, or a letter if you feel like it. Father’s day rolls around only once every 365 days, and now more than ever, they need that little bit of warmth their way.