
Can Miss Universe Rise Above Annual Fan Wars?

Can Miss Universe Rise Above Annual Fan Wars?

Amidst the glamorous spectacle of pageants, we dare to imagine a Miss Universe season graced by the absence of harsh judgment

In the world of pageantry, where beauty meets grace, the annual spectacle of Miss Universe unfolds as a beacon of aspiration. However, behind the glamour and glory lies a shadow that threatens to cast a pall over the empowering essence of this global phenomenon—the relentless fan wars. Once a stage where women showcased their charisma and intelligence, Miss Universe has certainly evolved into a fiercely competitive arena. Pageant-loving nations like the Philippines, Thailand, Venezuela, and Indonesia invest fervently in their contestants, transforming the pageant into a battleground of national pride. Yet, as admiration morphs into fanaticism, the question arises: Can a pageant truly empower women when the rising volume of bashing threatens to drown out the celebration?

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Beyond the sparkle

Miss Universe 2023's Nicaragua, Mexico, and Philippines

In the era of social media, where connectivity knows no bounds, bashing has become an unwelcome companion to every Miss Universe season. Hate comments, malicious photo edits, and ruthless online trolling have become commonplace. Beauty queens, despite their poise on stage, find themselves subjected to name-calling and dragging. A yearly ritual ensues, with international representatives pleading for kindness, acknowledging the grave issue that tarnishes the spirit of the pageant.

A vision where women flourish 

Miss Universe 2023 candidates

At its core, a pageant should be a foundation of empowerment, not a platform for cruel comparison. Today, more than ever, every fan must exert an effort for these contests to transcend the demeaning spectacle of face-offs and body-shaming, blossoming into a celebration that honors womanhood in all its diverse glory. We must remember that it lies in our own hands whether platforms that have a huge global reach, such as Miss Universe, inspire admiration or fuel the flames of negativity.

A world crowned in unity

Miss Philippines and Miss India 2023

Ironically, as fans engage in ceaseless comparisons, the beauty queens themselves forge bonds of friendship behind the scenes. This paradox serves as a powerful testament—a reminder that cutthroat bashing has no place in a competition that should celebrate unity and diversity. These representatives, draped in the sashes of their respective nations, beckon us to embrace kindness and peace across borders. In the quest for Miss Universe to rise above annual fan wars, let us reimagine this global phenomenon not as a battlefield, but as a stage where the brilliance of womanhood shines, undiminished by the shadows of negativity. It’s time to crown kindness, celebrate diversity, and empower women with the regal grace they truly deserve.

Photos: MICHELLE DEE and ANNE JAKRAJUTATIP (via Instagram)