The beauty category has always been acknowledged as an art form, but how does makeup actually translate to art?
The art of makeup has always been present no matter what era we’re talking about. Imagine—clean faces mirror an empty canvas, while beauty tools serve as paint brushes. Artful flicks of liners mimic the moving dot that’s foundational to the genre. Moreover, color palettes equate to trusted products, and finishing details reflect the post-processing decision with the machining. It’s undeniable that there is a thin line that separates makeup artistry and painting, but its significant similarity is found in the sense of self-expression.
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It’s undeniable that the conversation about how art and beauty come together is an old tale. However, there is something quite special about this topic that is worth revisiting. Perhaps it’s because of the industry’s renewed focus on priorities, but one thing is sure: Makeup should never be perceived as a vessel of vanity. All the more, it should be celebrated as an art form.
The reclamation of self-expression
It’s no secret that the ever-evolving beautyverse has experienced several monumental shifts, but the recent change allowed the makeup category to fully prioritize creativity and self-expression than anything else—a sentiment that resonates with the true value of art. Participating in the craftsmanship of makeup is incredibly personal as every decision is based on its wearer. More so, it’s a reflection of one’s identity, emotion, vision, and even soul.

The sense of freedom
Many beauty fans associate the power of makeup for its ability to accentuate features and camouflage imperfections. And while the category is expected to perform what is mentioned, it is always more than what meets the eye. Makeup offers a new sense of creative freedom to discover and construct one’s identity. It sparks a movement to explore and reinforce one’s character. By the same token, it is a category made to please you first and no one else second.

Our point of view
The beauty of makeup as an art form relies on its relationship with the wearer. It’s a facet of self-expression, a reflection of one’s identity. But upon writing this story, there is the realization that life offers a different medium to create art. Carefully curating beauty products is an art form, swishing blush on one’s keypoint is an art form, swiping a rouge lipstick is an art form—there is certainly the connection to creativity in everything. To say the least, to live is to create art, whether with a paint brush or a mascara.