With 50 times more Vitamin C than lemon extracts, the NIVEA Body Extra White C&E Vitamin Lotion gives you all the skin-loving benefits with nothing to lose
So many skin care ingredients, yet so little confidence in knowing which is right for your skin. You’ve probably encountered this dilemma before–reading an ingredient list and instantly getting the feeling of doubt or confusion if these terms actually work best on your skin. Or maybe you’ve been practicing a routine for quite some time now, but aren’t getting the extra-glowing results you envisioned. Why busy yourself with products and ingredients you try your best to believe works wonders on your skin, when you can try the glowing standard for extra-radiant and healthy skin with ingredients you already know?
The NIVEA Body Extra White C&E Vitamin Lotion is the perfect partner for you, housing the right combination of potent and familiar ingredients, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E, to give maximum skin benefits. I’m confident that you’ve heard of Vitamin C before, such as its sources and how it is important for overall health. But more than just living a healthy lifestyle with citrus fruits for your daily dose of Vitamin C, this active ingredient also works wonders on your skin. NIVEA was able to unlock the secret to its skin-loving nature and exponentially increase its skin benefits with the right mix of ingredients in every bottle. Here is a quick look at what makes this unique formula so effective:

Four different types of Vitamin C
NIVEA believes care and beauty goes a little deeper than the skin surface. That’s why along with the familiar Vitamin C that contains ascorbic acid, similar to the kind you would find in oranges and lemons, the NIVEA C&E Vitamin Lotion also includes 95% pure Vitamin C, extracted to reveal its most potent form. The third kind of Vitamin C in the mix is extracted from Acerola Cherries, a native plant from Central America and one of the richest natural sources of ascorbic acid, while also containing nutrients that help our body’s natural resistance functions. In fact, Vitamin C from acerola has been reported to be more easily absorbed by the body than synthetic variants. Lastly, a major component of the formula is Vitamin C extracted from Camu Camu, a berry native to the Amazon rainforest that carries high levels of antioxidant properties.
All of these, combined with concentrated Vitamin E for extra moisture and a UV Filter to protect your skin from harmful rays of the sun, make up a skin-nourishing lotion that has 50% more Vitamin C to brighten your skin with a more radiant glow and bouncy feel.

See the difference
With Vitamin C and Vitamin E working in unison to both revitalize your skin health, its true effects happen below the skin’s surface. As we adapt to a more hybrid lifestyle, protection from UV exposure and the prevention of free radicals help maintain healthy, bright, and even-toned skin. Vitamin C in the NIVEA C&E Vitamin Lotion is also essential in stimulating collagen production, maintaining firm and plump skin along with the hydration effects of Vitamin E. Best of all, its rich nutrients help repair damaged skin for you to maintain your youthfulness.
For a woman with standards in taking care of yourself, the NIVEA C&E Vitamin Lotion is worth a try. Honestly, you have all the skin benefits to gain with nothing to lose. Plus, with this being a multi-awarded, crowd-favorite beauty staple in an easy-to-use and accessible form, you might find yourself a new must-have.

Add the NIVEA C&E Vitamin Lotion to your cart now at Lazada, or grab it at your nearest Watsons and all leading supermarkets nationwide.