
MEGA Man July 2018: Find Out What Matteo Guidicelli Is Up To Next


A man of many hats, Matteo Guidicelli steps out and dares to go beyond the hype with a dream denim collaboration with designer, Avel Bacudio.

Matteo Guidicelli is a very busy man. Aside from chalking in hours of taping for the teleserye, Bagani, he is also running a restaurant business (Trattoria Da Gianni) down south of the metro, running races as an Ironman and now, getting down into the intricacies of denim in a creative collaboration with designer Avel Bacudio. All this, he does while maintaining a balanced personal life, which of course, he keeps to himself. That and he cannot go on a few minutes without breaking into a smile and fit of laughter.

Wrapping up a quick shoot prior, he shifts into a mood befitting the creative brief for his MEGA Man cover—brooding, a little undone and introspective. We figured, that at this point of his life, he has taken to clipping the excess that has been weighing one down, subsequently allowing an uninhibited self to soar to greater heights. True enough, despite what can only be assumed as a schedule that can drive someone up the wall, the man is light, disarmingly pleasant and well, happy.

Cloaked in the denim pieces he has worked on with Avel Bacudio, he is confident and at ease, at times even playful with a bunch of white balloons in hand. In a way, this time with the actor has become a celebration of sorts: one that hinges on his new creative pursuits, his tenure in the industry and most importantly, a settling into a perspective that is set to define the next years of his life.