Doctor who? Dr. Z Teo is the CEO of the Aivee Group and the man behind the vision
Related: Dr. Aivee Teo Spills The Secrets Behind Collagen
If someone were to ask you “Who are you?” I would bet my bottom dollar that you will answer with your name. It’s an instinctual response–our name defines who we are. And while it doesn’t literally define us in the same way a word is defined in a dictionary, it gives us enough individuality amid a general populace.
I still remember the first time I was introduced to Dr. Z Teo, not in person, but by name. Initially, I was intrigued. “That’s a name you don’t hear often, or probably ever,” I immediately told myself. It could be a nickname, or maybe an alias just like hip-hop legend Jay-Z (who, at that time, was the only other “Z” I could think of). I shouldn’t havebeen surprised given that I, myself, carry a fairly unique name that has spared me from awkward classroom call-outs but, in turn, has presented me with the inevitable misspells on Starbucks orders. By the fleeting thought’s end, I landed on an assumption about Dr. Z’s character even before I got the chance to look him up on social media or shake his hand. Just by name alone, a few words entered my mind: sharp, cool and a tad mysterious.
Indeed, names carry power. They are descriptors that allow people to draw assumptions with etymologies and contexts in tow. This cognitive phenomenon is something most people dismiss, yet we all rely on for recognition and recall—with names serving as both first impressions and points of recollection.

So, when the time finally came for Dr. Z and me tohave a one-on-one chat about the ins and outs of leading the Aivee Group as its CEO, there was no better way to answer who Dr. Z Teo is other than to know the meaning behind the name.
Establishing Identity
“When it comes to my name, the credit is given to my mom. She’s very ahead of our time. She’s quirky and very creative. At that time, nobody ever thought about naming their child after the alphabet,” Dr. Z shares with a big smile. Surprisingly, his full given name Z’Shen has a fairly straightforward origin given family and tradition: “Shen” coming from his grandfather, and “Z” acting as a prefix signifier of him being the last born in the family given Singapore’s two-child policy. “People didn’t know how to call me–Z, Shen, Zshen. It was very confusing. There were times wherein I told them to call me Z’Shen but they would do a double take.” In fact, the name Z was given to him by his friends during his undergraduate years, especially since he was conversing more with people from various countries and cultures. It wasn’t a name he planned on adapting to, but soon after he received his medical license, going by Z went from convenience to necessity.
As previously stated, a name’s purpose is split between recognition and recall. Even though these aspects seem to be destined for Dr. Z from the get-go, the same can’t be said for the company he proudly heads.
“I was supposed to be [called] Dr. Teo, but unfortunately, or fortunately, I’m in a family full of doctors. So when people call for Dr. Teo, my mom gets confused. She asks if it’s the human, the beauty, or the animal [doctor],” Dr. Z recounts, right before releasing a burst of laughter. Eventually, going by the one-letter moniker ended up working in his favor as it strikes a perfect balance between memorable and intriguing.

Not Given, But Chosen
Making a name for one’s self begins with having a goal in mind, not dictated by any other and always in-tune to your happiness. Growing up, unlike many others, Dr. Z did not have fame or fortune in his sights: “I just wanted to enjoy what I was doing. I wanted to go to work, do things I’m passionate about, and be happy. [Some people] don’t even have that. I wanted that.”
His first step in realizing this goal, however, happened to be the most dreadful one. “Human medicine runs in the family, but I had to put my foot down and tell my parents, which was the hardest thing for me to do, that I needed to do my own thing.” He found the field of aesthetics the perfect marriage between the family tradition of medicine and his personal interests in the arts. But even if he deviated from the career paths of the majority, Dr. Z carries family tradition through attitude. “My dad said that doctoring is about a personal relationship with a patient. You can know many things from all the medical books, but if have no empathy for your patients, you are a lousy doctor. I always remember that. I may not be the best, but I always make sure my patients trust me and they can connect with me.”

To Make A Name Mean More
Dr. Z Teo is the CEO of the Aivee Group, a family of brands centered on lifestyle and wellness, wholly embodying the look-good- feel-good mindset. At its core is the Aivee Clinic, a cosmetic dermatology center that boasts four branches in the Philippines, one in Singapore, and a flagship multi-speciality facility called the A Institute that specializes in addressing hair, nutrition, orthopedic, slimming and snoring concerns. Evidently, the brand carries the first name of Dr. Aivee Teo, co-founder of Aivee Group of Clinics and wife of Dr. Z, and this decision has undoubtedly played a vital role in the group’s success.
“When I was listening to the patients, they always asked ‘Where is Doc Aivee?’ I was hearing this more and more as the months went by and I soon realized that Aivee’s name sounds very catchy. It’s easy to put the name on anything and people will remember it,” Dr. Z recalls.
In a snap, the floodgates of his imagination were wide open as he envisioned the name “Aivee” as a global brand set on marquees in every major city worldwide. However, he knew that this ambitious task of leveraging the company on a name won’t be easy. “The challenge for us was to make sure that the name of Aivee would be so synonymous with what we do that, eventually, it would become a buzzword that [when] people will say ‘I’m going to see Aivee’, others will understand.”
The Aivee Clinic first opened its doors in 2009, and in a span of 10 years, Dr. Z had placed enough confidence in the brand to champion the name Aivee alone by remaining consistent in their craft, expanding their services, and forging lasting bonds with their clientele. As Dr. Z brings to light, “Doc Aivee is the face of this entire brand. She’s the most visible, people know her, and she’s a skilled dermatologist. So, it’s very apt that the whole brand is named after her.”
Beyond Word
Having a brand tied to your name may seem both a privilege and a curse: it delivers instant industry recognition, but places insurmountable pressure on your shoulders to carry yourself in the same light the brand resides in. This works in Aivee’s favor as she doesn’t mind basking in the limelight. But for Dr. Z, handling the brand’s business ordeals just at the light’s edge poses its own challenges, especially for someone who thrives on healthy competition: “If you’re the CEO of a company, it will be irresponsible if you do not see competition. The industry moves very quick, so if you are way behind in the services you offer, then you have a problem. When my clients go on social media, they shouldn’t go ‘How come others are doing this and Aivee doesn’t?’ ” And as groups jostle for the top spot, nothing should ever turn sideways. “Healthy competition builds one another. If the industry booms, everyone booms. That’s my philosophy.”
In building a name from the ground up, and positioning a brand in international affairs, it can be easy to get swept by the winds of change. Despite this, Dr. Z Teo remains rooted in purpose and faith. “Fundamentally, we are all spiritual beings. We are made of mental, physical and spiritual sides. If we are not fulfilled spiritually, that’s one huge chunk of yourself that will not be present to be able to lead your company effectively.” Through this foundation, he has been able to synthesize the learnings from his past and define himself in the present. But if the future is concerned, that will always remain a grey area undefined.
“I don’t know what the Aivee Group will be in the next 10 years, but there must be a reason why we’re doing certain things. My vision has always been to have Aivee in every major city. That has been what I always wanted.

Whether I get there, I don’t know. I always go by faith, but I’m sure we’ll see the journey through,” Dr. Z Teo expresses as he slowly leans back into his velvet seat. There lies the true power of a name: a belief to stand with and hold on to. In the name is hope. So, when the time comes that you will hear the bustlings of having an afternoon off at Aivee, or that distinct phonetics of an isolated “Z” sound mid-conversation, you’ll know what these names encompass and stand for–no assumptions necessary.